Make a RISK-FREE Medical Marijuana Appointment in Ohio Schedule Now
100% Risk-Free Assessment: No Card, No Charge
Patients who do not qualify for a medical marijuana card will not be charged for their appointment.
An individual who is qualified as a medical marijuana caregiver may legally purchase and possess medical marijuana for use by a patient who is also qualified. As the patient’s legal escort, they are also the patient’s guardian. The patient’s parents, legal guardians, health care surrogates, or people with medical power of attorney can all act as caregivers in a medical capacity.
In order for a caregiver to receive a caregiver card, they must first be certified and added to the Ohio Marijuana Registry by an Ohio physician who is licensed to prescribe cannabis. Ohio medical marijuana cards include a patient’s identification number, as well as the name of a licensed caregiver. The card indicates that the person is a caregiver, rather than a patient.
The State of Ohio requires that caregivers must present both their caregiver card and a government-issued photo ID when they visit their Ohio medical marijuana dispensary. Because of this state-created program, they can now legally pick up therapeutic cannabis products for their patient in Ohio. After receiving a prescription for marijuana, patients are required to make follow-up visits to the marijuana doctor who prescribed it.
It is the duty of a caregiver to obtain medical marijuana in Ohio for the benefit of a patient who has obtained a written authorization from the state to do so. To help the patient, the patient names a caregiver, who can be anyone who is important to the patient: a family member, a nurse, a spouse, or anyone else.
In Ohio, becoming a licensed medical marijuana caregiver isn’t difficult, but there are a few stumbling blocks that need to be overcome.
A consultation with one of our Ohio medical marijuana doctors can be scheduled if you’re interested in becoming a caregiver for a patient who is using medical marijuana in Ohio. Working together, we can find a solution for your loved one’s health issues and help them improve their quality of life. Find out right now if you’re eligible!
100% Risk-Free Assessment
No Card, No Charge: Patients who do not qualify for a medical marijuana card will not be charged for their appointment.