Make a RISK-FREE Medical Marijuana Appointment in Ohio Schedule Now

100% Risk-Free Assessment: No Card, No Charge

Patients who do not qualify for a medical marijuana card will not be charged for their appointment.

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Client Testimonials
  • "After my first treatment I noticed a difference right away. I had no side effects and was able to fully function. I suggest you try it and change your life." by Steve R., Former Client
  • "I applied for medical marijuana and pain reduced big time. Now I can relax and sleep, now I can volunteer and do all the activities I love." by Mary, Former Client
  • "Medical marijuana gave me my life back. I can make plans again, work again, enjoy life again, all because of medical marijuana. It saved my life." by HCB, Former Client
  • "Overall I am extremely happy and would recommend this to anyone who could benefit. It is truly an amazing medicine and I just hope enough people can open their eyes wide enough to see that." by Jill, Former Client
  • "After dealing with some of these for 20+ years it is AWESOME to have these conditions finally under some control that seems reasonable. Frankly, I haven’t had a quality of life this good in a very long time." by Tom, Former Client

When COVID-19 rose to prominence in early 2020, medical providers needed a way to still see and service their patients while still socially distancing and avoiding close-contact. As a result, telemedicine has become an increasingly popular form of medicine which has allowed doctors and patients to have virtual visits from the comfort of their respective offices and homes. This allows patients to stay within their comfort-zone and getting a medical marijuana card has never been more convenient!

Telemedicine and Ohio Medical Marijuana

On Dec 22, 2021, Governor Mike Dewine signed into Ohio law HB 122, which allowed permanent use of telemedicine for Medical Cannabis qualifications in Ohio. Previously, the Medical Board in Ohio temporarily suspended the requirement for in-person examination temporarily due to COVID-19, but this suspension is now permanent. This means that if you are interested in acquiring an Ohio Medical Marijuana Card, you do not even need to leave the comfort of your home!

Initially, any patient wishing to get a medical marijuana card in Ohio had to make an initial in-person visit to their doctor, as well as an annual, in-person, checkup appointment. However, the Medical Board in Ohio suspended these requirements due to COVID-19, allowing patients to meet with their Ohio medical marijuana doctor via telemedicine.

Schedule a fast and convenient Virtual Appointment with an Ohio Medical Marijuana Doctor

If you or a loved one suffers from a qualifying condition and feel medical marijuana may be helpful, please do not hesitate to contact one of our experienced medical cannabis doctors in Ohio. We are happy to meet with you via video-conference to ensure everyone’s health and safety, while still providing you with the best service possible.

Our Pricing

100% Risk-Free Assessment
No Card, No Charge: Patients who do not qualify for a medical marijuana card will not be charged for their appointment.

  • Initial Consultation: $150
    Schedule a telemedicine appointment to receive your medical cannabis card recommendation.
  • Recertification: $150
    Every year, your medical cannabis card must be renewed to continue your medical recommendation.