Make a RISK-FREE Medical Marijuana Appointment in Ohio Schedule Now

100% Risk-Free Assessment: No Card, No Charge

Patients who do not qualify for a medical marijuana card will not be charged for their appointment.

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Client Testimonials
  • "After my first treatment I noticed a difference right away. I had no side effects and was able to fully function. I suggest you try it and change your life." by Steve R., Former Client
  • "I applied for medical marijuana and pain reduced big time. Now I can relax and sleep, now I can volunteer and do all the activities I love." by Mary, Former Client
  • "Medical marijuana has given me some mental peace that I have not experienced in 50 years. It doesn’t take it away but it does soften the past experiences of combat." by Richard B., Former Client
  • "Medical marijuana gave me my life back. I can make plans again, work again, enjoy life again, all because of medical marijuana. It saved my life." by HCB, Former Client
  • "Overall I am extremely happy and would recommend this to anyone who could benefit. It is truly an amazing medicine and I just hope enough people can open their eyes wide enough to see that." by Jill, Former Client

Cincinnati Medical Marijuana Clinic

Located in Hamilton County, Cincinnati is the third-largest city in Ohio and acts as home to over 310,000 people, making Cincinnati the 30th most populated metro in the United States. Cincinnati is not only home to the Bengals, as thousands of residents suffer each and every day from conditions that qualify of Medical Marijuana in Ohio. Whether it’s PTSD, terminal cancer, Parkinson’s Disease, Spasticity, or any of the other qualifying conditions, many patients have begun to find relief using medical cannabis in lieu of traditional pharmaceuticals and medicine.

In 2016, Ohio’s Governor signed House Bill 323 into effect, legalizing medical marijuana in the state of Ohio. This tremendous move allowed patients who had been confined to the use of traditional medicine and pharmaceuticals, many of which are ineffective or lead to addiction, to now try to find a more natural form of relief through medical marijuana.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with one of Ohio’s qualifying conditions, contact an experienced Medical Marijuana Doctor in Ohio today!

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Qualifying Conditions

The State of Ohio has approved numerous conditions for authorized treatment with medical cannabis in Ohio. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with one of the conditions below, you may qualify for medical cannabis. Contact one of the experienced Ohio medical marijuana doctors at TruReleaf MD today to schedule an appointment.

If you have one of these conditions and are interested in medical marijuana, learn more about how to get an Ohio medical marijuana card.

Medical Marijuana Dispensary Access in Cincinnati, Ohio

In most instances, if a patient is approved for medical marijuana, they can likely be visit a licensed Ohio Medical Marijuana dispensary the same day as your appointment! Click here to see a comprehensive list of Ohio Medical Marijuana Dispensaries. 

Our Pricing

100% Risk-Free Assessment
No Card, No Charge: Patients who do not qualify for a medical marijuana card will not be charged for their appointment.

  • Initial Consultation: $150
    Schedule a telemedicine appointment to receive your medical cannabis card recommendation.
  • Recertification: $150
    Every year, your medical cannabis card must be renewed to continue your medical recommendation.


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Medical Marijuana Card

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Cincinnati Medical Marijuana Doctors

Meet Our Medical Staff

Dr. Mitchell Lopacki, DO

Ohio Medical Marijuana Doctor