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Client Testimonials
  • "After my first treatment I noticed a difference right away. I had no side effects and was able to fully function. I suggest you try it and change your life." by Steve R., Former Client
  • "Medical marijuana has given me some mental peace that I have not experienced in 50 years. It doesn’t take it away but it does soften the past experiences of combat." by Richard B., Former Client
  • "Medical marijuana gave me my life back. I can make plans again, work again, enjoy life again, all because of medical marijuana. It saved my life." by HCB, Former Client
  • "Overall I am extremely happy and would recommend this to anyone who could benefit. It is truly an amazing medicine and I just hope enough people can open their eyes wide enough to see that." by Jill, Former Client
  • "After dealing with some of these for 20+ years it is AWESOME to have these conditions finally under some control that seems reasonable. Frankly, I haven’t had a quality of life this good in a very long time." by Tom, Former Client

What is Fibromyalgia and how does it affect you?

Fibromyalgia is most commonly known for the intense pain it produces, as well as concerns with sleep, memory, and even exhaustion. Fibromyalgia is characterized by excruciating pain as its predominant symptom. There is no known cure for the illness, and numerous therapeutic techniques have been shown to be ineffective. Fibromyalgia has been recognized as a qualifying medicinal marijuana condition in Ohio. To find out if medical marijuana can help you treat your Fibromyalgia, contact an Ohio Medical Marijuana doctor today.

Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Fibromyalgia symptoms include, but are not limited to:

  • Excessive Sensitivity
  • Pain
  • Stiff Muscles
  • Fatigue
  • Spasms of the muscles
  • Sleeping Problems
  • Depression

Fibromyalgia and Medical Marijuana

Medical cannabis has been demonstrated to have a significant influence on the symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Many individuals have reported anecdotal benefit from the pain-relieving qualities of medical cannabis. Furthermore, medical cannabis has the potential to give significant relief for a variety of Fibromyalgia symptoms, including pain, insomnia, and depression. Pain reduction is the primary benefit of medical marijuana for fibromyalgia. In fibromyalgia, a combo of THC and CBD is usually more beneficial than CBD alone.

In contrast to the minimal evidence of CBD’s usefulness in fibromyalgia, the strongest data suggests that THC is responsible for this beneficial impact. The majority of the trials presented are modest, and clinical research into cannabis treatment is still in its early stages. The effects of cannabis treatment in fibromyalgia are anticipated to become apparent with larger, high-quality trials and studies.

Fibromyalgia, migraines, and irritable bowel syndrome are all recognized to be linked (IBS). It has been hypothesized that these diseases/syndromes have a common underlying cause and that cannabis could be used to cure them all. Endocannabinoid insufficiency is thought to be the cause. Some research has identified lower endocannabinoid levels in migraine patients, as well as lower levels in a study of mice models with pain hypersensitivity. There is also mounting evidence that the ECS may play a role in the onset of gastrointestinal dysfunction. However, no studies on endocannabinoid levels in fibromyalgia or IBS are currently available. As a result, endocannabinoid insufficiency is still a theory, with scant data and ongoing research.

Fibromyalgia is a debilitating condition with few therapy options. Medical marijuana could be a new therapy option. Despite the lack of evidence, research continues to show that it has a positive impact. The choice to begin therapy should be made in consultation with the treating physician after the pros and downsides have been discussed and considered.

The Endocannabinoid System (ECS)

Cannabis contains about 500 active chemicals, including at least 140 cannabinoids (the number has been steadily increasing in recent years due to new studies) that interact with and activate the endocannabinoid system to influence the body (ECS). The ECS is made up of three primary components: body-wide receptors, cannabis compounds that interact with and activate the receptors, and metabolic enzymes. The brain system, immunological system, bones, and joints, which are where the ECS performs its essential activities, have particularly high concentrations of cannabinoid receptors. The enzymes’ primary function is to either generate or break down the chemicals that activate the ECS, preventing them from activating the receptors.

Cannabinoid compounds that activate the ECS can be found in three places: the human body, the cannabis plant, and pharmaceutical preparations.

They are known as endocannabinoids when they occur naturally in the body (“endo” meaning inside in Greek) and play a key part in the body’s “homeostasis,” or balance. The body produces endocannabinoids in response to several types of stress, both physical and psychological. The specific roles of the ECS are still being discovered.

The other naturally occurring cannabinoids, known as phytocannabinoids, are found in the Cannabis sativa plant. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are the most studied phytocannabinoid compounds (CBD). In terms of their ability to activate the ECS, phytocannabinoids are similar to endocannabinoids.

To date, two cannabinoid receptors have been identified, with more receptors anticipated to be discovered through future study. Combining with cannabinoid molecules—whether endocannabinoids, phytocannabinoids, or synthetic cannabinoids—can activate both cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1) and cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB2). Within cells, the interaction of cannabis molecules and cannabinoid receptors activates distinct signaling pathways. The decrease in neurotransmitter release is one of the main outcomes of these signaling pathways in cells. Neurotransmitters are nervous system impulses that are involved in a variety of processes, including pain perception and other brain functions including sleep and anxiety. CB1 receptors are mostly found in the neurological system, including the brain and peripheral nerves that branch out from the spine. CB2 receptors, on the other hand, have been discovered mostly on immune system cells and several types of musculoskeletal cells. These impacts on pain, sleep, and anxiety could be beneficial in fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia Side Effects of Cannabis

Side-Effects of Medical Marijuana

  • Sleep
  • Fatigue
  • Memory
  • Appetite
  • Mood
  • Time to React
  • Paranoia

Nearby Medical Marijuana Doctors in Ohio

Take our qualification survey and make an appointment at TruReleaf MD now if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease in Ohio and are interested in learning more about how  medical marijuana can benefit you. Our medical marijuana clinic in Ohio is open and ready to meet with you!

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