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Patients who do not qualify for a medical marijuana card will not be charged for their appointment.

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Client Testimonials
  • "I applied for medical marijuana and pain reduced big time. Now I can relax and sleep, now I can volunteer and do all the activities I love." by Mary, Former Client
  • "Medical marijuana has given me some mental peace that I have not experienced in 50 years. It doesn’t take it away but it does soften the past experiences of combat." by Richard B., Former Client
  • "Medical marijuana gave me my life back. I can make plans again, work again, enjoy life again, all because of medical marijuana. It saved my life." by HCB, Former Client
  • "Overall I am extremely happy and would recommend this to anyone who could benefit. It is truly an amazing medicine and I just hope enough people can open their eyes wide enough to see that." by Jill, Former Client
  • "After dealing with some of these for 20+ years it is AWESOME to have these conditions finally under some control that seems reasonable. Frankly, I haven’t had a quality of life this good in a very long time." by Tom, Former Client

Treating ALS with Medical Marijuana in Ohio

What exactly is ALS?

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, or ALS, is a neurodegenerative disease in which loss to motor-system neurons results in gradual muscular weakness and wastage. The illness is considered to be terminal. After a diagnosis of ALS, the average life expectancy is 3-5 years. There are drugs available to treat some of the symptoms of ALS, such as muscle spasms, but the effectiveness of these treatments varies. Many researchers believe that components in cannabis that are known to be neuroprotectors, antioxidants, or anti-inflammatory are potentially effective treatments for ALS symptoms due to a lack of success in treating the disease and its symptoms. As a result, the government now owns a cannabinoid patent, and ALS has been added to Ohio’s list of qualifying conditions for medical marijuana.

Treatment with Medical Marijuana for ALS

The endocannabinoid system is able to interact with and govern cannabinoids. Within the system, the same system is implicated in the development of ALS. The endocannabinoid system may be able to alleviate some of the symptoms and features of ALS. One study on mice with ALS found that daily injection of a CB2 agonist delayed motor deterioration and increased life by 56 percent. This increase in survival is thought to be owing to a reduction in both excitotoxic and oxidative cell damage. Please keep in mind that this study was conducted on mice, which does not always imply that the results will be the same in humans.

The brain and spinal cord of ALS patients are severely damaged, severely impairing their motor skills and coordination. Within the brain and spinal cord, motor neurons, which are nerve cells in charge of communication between the brain and muscles, are impacted. Patients lose their coordination and capacity to control muscular movements as a result of the impairment. As a result, many people have difficulty chewing, speaking, walking, and performing other daily tasks.

THC and CBD, the main chemicals in medical marijuana, have been shown in studies to delay the damage that ALS causes to nerve cells and, in some cases, to minimize further damage. Medical cannabis’ anti-inflammatory qualities have been shown to decrease tissue deterioration, allowing patients to live with less discomfort and a higher quality of life.

Effects of Cannabis on ALS Patients

Changes in the following areas may occur as a result of marijuana use:

  • Sleep
  • Fatigue
  • Memory
  • Appetite
  • Mood
  • Time to React
  • Paranoia

ALS Signs and Symptoms

​ALS is a disease that is damaging, debilitating, and eventually fatal. The motor neurons will be affected first, and the first signs will appear: twitches, weakness, and muscle rigidity. Patients will acquire stiff extremities or digits, weakness and loss of coordination in the lower limbs, slurred speech, difficulty swallowing, constricted muscles, and uncontrollable twitching as the symptoms progress.

Nearby Medical Marijuana Doctors

Take our qualification survey and arrange an appointment now if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with ALS in Ohio and are interested in learning more about how medical marijuana can benefit you. Our Ohio Medical Marijuana doctor is ready to help you today!

Medical Marijuana and ALS Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cause of ALS?

The cause of ALS, often known as Lou Gehrig’s illness, is a medical enigma. According to the Mayo Clinic, ALS can be inherited in some situations. Doctors, on the whole, do not have a clear reason or knowledge of why ALS develops and why patients develop the disease.

Is ALS the same as Lou Gehrig's disease?

Yes, Lou Gehrig’s disease and ALS are the same thing.

Lou Gehrig, a legendary baseball player, acquired the sickness that compelled him to retire and ultimately took his life. Because of his celebrity, ALS was dubbed Lou Gehrig’s disease and has been known as such ever since.

What role does CBD oil play in the treatment of ALS patients?

While there is no cure for ALS, CBD and medical cannabis have provided significant alleviation for many patients.

According to a 2017 study, CBD has the potential to alleviate some of the symptoms of ALS. Furthermore, studies have shown that CBD can help to delay the onset of ALS symptoms in some cases.

What role does medical cannabis play in the treatment of ALS patients?

Many patients are discovering that medical cannabis has successfully enhanced their quality of life while living with ALS, much as patients have found varied levels of relief from the symptoms of ALS through the use of CBD. In fact, many patients have stated that medical marijuana provides them with superior relief than traditional, pharmaceutical, and traditional treatments, however this isn’t true in all circumstances.

Medical marijuana has been demonstrated to alleviate some of the most prevalent symptoms of Lou Gehrig’s disease, such as seizures, discomfort, and muscular spasms. While medical marijuana is not a cure for ALS, some with the disease have reported a reduction in symptoms and an improvement in quality of life.

How Does Medical Marijuana Work?

Patients suffering from a wide range of conditions have begun to seek treatment from their symptoms by using medical cannabis. Patients with epilepsy, pain, ALS, cancer, and a slew of other ailments have reported a significant improvement in their quality of life after using medical marijuana. THC (delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol) are the two main components of medical cannabis (cannabidiol). These two substances work with natural compounds in your body to provide pain relief, anxiety reduction, nausea control, and hunger stimulation, among other things.

Is Lou Gehrig's disease passed down through the generations?

While scientists and researchers are unable to pinpoint a specific etiology for ALS, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes estimates that 5-10% of all ALS cases are inherited from a parent. According to evidence, only one parent needed to have the gene that causes ALS for someone to get the disease in a familial form.

What are the first signs and symptoms of ALS?

Early ALS symptoms include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Muscle spasms
  • Spasticity
  • Having difficulty chewing
  • Swallowing Problems
  • Muscle Weakness
  • Twitching Muscles
  • Slurred Tongue

Medical Marijuana for ALS in Ohio

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with ALS, medical marijuana may be able to dramatically improve your quality of life. Contact an experienced medical marijuana doctor in Ohio at TruReleaf MD today to schedule your initial appointment and see if you qualify!

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