Make a RISK-FREE Medical Marijuana Appointment in Ohio Schedule Now

100% Risk-Free Assessment: No Card, No Charge

Patients who do not qualify for a medical marijuana card will not be charged for their appointment.

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Client Testimonials
  • "I applied for medical marijuana and pain reduced big time. Now I can relax and sleep, now I can volunteer and do all the activities I love." by Mary, Former Client
  • "Medical marijuana has given me some mental peace that I have not experienced in 50 years. It doesn’t take it away but it does soften the past experiences of combat." by Richard B., Former Client
  • "Medical marijuana gave me my life back. I can make plans again, work again, enjoy life again, all because of medical marijuana. It saved my life." by HCB, Former Client
  • "Overall I am extremely happy and would recommend this to anyone who could benefit. It is truly an amazing medicine and I just hope enough people can open their eyes wide enough to see that." by Jill, Former Client
  • "After dealing with some of these for 20+ years it is AWESOME to have these conditions finally under some control that seems reasonable. Frankly, I haven’t had a quality of life this good in a very long time." by Tom, Former Client
How do you obtain a medical marijuana card in Ohio?
August 12, 2022

Category: Medical Marijuana in Ohio

Qualifications for an Ohio Medical Marijuana Card

Medical marijuana cards in Ohio are only issued to those who meet the following criteria:

What Conditions Qualify for a Medical Marijuana Card in Ohio?

Marijuana can be used to treat and alleviate symptoms associated with a wide range of conditions and symptoms, according to the Ohio Medical Board. Find out how to apply for and receive a medical marijuana card in Ohio by reading on!

Click here to learn more about qualifying conditions in Ohio.

Please call 614-714-6043 or book an appointment online today for an evaluation with one of our Ohio medical marijuana doctors if you are currently suffering from any of the conditions that qualify for treatment with cannabis.

Steps for Getting an Ohio Medical Marijuana Card

Step 1: Schedule an Appointment with a Medical Marijuana Doctor in Ohio

With the approval of telemedicine consultations in Ohio, today is the easiest time to find a licensed Ohio medical marijuana doctor! For more information about medical marijuana in Ohio, contact TruReleafMD today to set up a virtual appointment with an experienced Ohio medical marijuana doctor. Watch our “How to Get Your Ohio Medical Marijuana” card video right now to learn more. When it comes to obtaining an Ohio medical marijuana card, we can assist you in both the initial application process as well as renewal.

Step 2: Attend Appointment with Medical Cannabis Doctor

A series of reminders will be sent to you once you’ve scheduled an appointment with one of our medical marijuana doctors. OHIO LAW REQUIRES YOUR PHYSICIAN TO OBTAIN PRIOR MEDICAL RECORDS. PLEASE FILL OUT OUR ELECTRONIC RELEASE OF INFORMATION FORM PRIOR TO YOUR APPOINTMENT.

Ask all the questions you want when you see your doctor. To find out if you’re eligible for medical marijuana in Ohio, talk to your doctor, who can also give you advice on how to take it and how much to take.

Medical marijuana doctor appointments in Ohio can now be conducted via telemedicine.

Patients in the state of Ohio can meet with their medical marijuana doctor via videoconference from the privacy of their own homes.

Step 3: Check your Email

The Ohio Board of Pharmacy will send you an email with your Ohio Medical Marijuana Card once you’ve met with your doctor and been approved for medical cannabis. You may be able to get your medical marijuana card from the Ohio Board of Pharmacy right after your appointment if you’ve been granted approval.

Step 4: Visit a nearby Marijuana Dispensary to Purchase your Medical Cannabis

Patients can often pick up their prescription for medical marijuana from a dispensary on the same day as their appointment. Visit a licensed dispensary to find the product that works best for you once your application has been approved and you have received your card! When it comes to marijuana use, always consult your doctor for advice.